Remember watching “The Matrix” for the first time?

If you’re anything like me, you walked away from the movie mystified by what is actually real in this world and what isn’t.

I think about that concept a lot. Maybe too much.

matrix - by title only with jeff matlow

Are we really humans or are we simply some type of simulation? And what’s the difference?

How would we even know if we were a simulation?

In the Matrix, humans created computer programs that simulated reality. The more the computer programs were used, the smarter they got.

That’s a real thing.

It’s called artificial intelligence. No doubt you’re aware of the concept. It’s not a new one.

I’m just not sure if you realize how close we are to the Matrix movie becoming reality.

You might wanna sit down for this one. Maybe pour yourself a drink.

You take the blue pill… the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill… you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes

It’s time to take the red pill.

Artificial Conversations

Seven weeks ago (on November 30, 2022), a company called OpenAI released their conversational AI product called ChatGPT.

In just 1 week, ChatGPT got 1 mi